Modern Architecture


06 January 2022

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The popularity behind modern architecture

Modernism is a style of architecture that was developed in the early 1900s, as a response to technology and society changing. It is an analytical way of thinking about buildings

-using materials wisely, being open to new structures, and minimizing decoration.

Modernism could be found in other fields like art and design as well.

The industrial revolution had a big part in the development of architecture. Architects started using materials like concrete, glass, and steel. It was an era where architects tried showing the truth of a structure rather than covering it up with decoration on the outside.


The modern architecture design concept is a style of building that emphasizes function and a streamlined form instead of decoration. This design aesthetic is different from more complicated and decorated homes like Queen Anne, Victorian, or Gothic Revival styles. Modern architecture usually involves sharp and clean lines.


The history behind Modern architecture


There are many sources for modernism’s ideology. One of them is the English artist and writer William Morris. Morris was a huge supporter of the Arts and Crafts movement.


He wanted to tell people that aesthetics were as important as utility, which means that well-made handcrafted products are good. Another early source for modernism was Louis Sullivan, an American architect who said “Form follows function”. This means making buildings so that their form depends on what they do inside instead of outside.


Adolf Loos, an architect in Vienna, thought that decoration was wasteful. His manifesto “Ornament and Crime” was a very important modernist text. He said that avoiding ornaments is a sign of spiritual strength.


Two famous architects came up who were both modernists. One of them was Walter Gropius, the leader of the Bauhaus in Germany. He taught architects to reject old ways and be innovative!


The other person was Le Corbusier. He took inspiration from modern engineering developments like air planes, cruise ships, cars, and grain silos. He said that houses are like machines for living in.


Lots of people came to America because it was more progressive than Europe at the time. Modernism became linked with how America became the world’s new superpower with highways and skyscrapers.


Modernist architecture continued in various forms around the world. The modern movement was replaced by Postmodernism in the 1970s and 1980s.


Principles and features of modern building design


Modernism is about making things less complicated. The principles of modernism are that form follows function, meaning the design should come from purpose. Structures should be clear, with no unnecessary details. Materials should not be hidden or altered but celebrated.


guest bedroom

Some of the main features of modern architecture buildings are as follows:


This design features a variety of components that are positioned at 90-degree angles to one another. The emphasis is placed on horizontal and vertical lines, giving the impression of stability in both function and form which allowed natural light to come in.


The use of reinforced concrete and steel has been an important part of the construction industry for centuries.
Following the machine aesthetic means using materials from industries.
Usage of rectangular, cylindrical, and cubic shapes
Uneven distributions.
The lack of decorations on the outside.
Large windows that are set in horizontal bands.
The floor plan is open.
A facade that is white or cream-colored.


Modern architecture styles evolved from different international styles such as American, British, Dutch, Germanic, Italian, Nordic and Brazilian


The contrast between Contemporary and modernist architecture


The modernist architecture concept was based on new and innovative technologies of construction. This means that the form should also follow a function. But at the opposite end of the scale, contemporary architecture is about what’s happening now, which isn’t one particular style.


Intriguing Details


The most common theme is not to use ornaments. Earlier styles of modern architecture concept ideas still had some ornamentation, like Frank Lloyd Wright’s art glass windows. But modern architecture is mostly made up of plain and simple parts that don’t need ornaments.


Modern architecture is different from contemporary architecture. Some people thought that they were the same thing, but they actually did not. Modern architecture is a style of building that was inspired by art called modernism. It lasted from around 1950 to around 1970. The contemporary architecture incorporates styles after 1960, including the present moment which is very diverse.


Modern-designed homes seemed cold for everyday living. Modern homes are good because they have free-flowing space. The people who made them didn’t want any clutter or excess stuff on the walls.


However, over time, many architects thought this was too strict and changed the design to include ornamentation and colour. Today, you can have an open floor plan but still have some privacy.


Modern architecture started in the early 1900s and was popular until around 1960. These buildings had clean lines, they didn’t have any decoration, and they followed the rule of form following function. Eventually, modern architecture became too cold for everyday living because it had a lot of space that people didn’t want to live in.


Living Room

Influential modern architects


➤Ming Pei
➤Le Corbusier
➤Erich Mendelsohn
➤Frank Lloyd Wright


Prominent Modern Buildings around the world


➤ BT Tower
➤ United Nations HQ
➤ The Louvre Pyramid, Paris
➤ World Trade Centre

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