Turn your dream into reality in 5 steps!

Looking to construct? Here’s how you can get started.

Meet our team

✓ It begins with a form

Let’s get acquainted. The more we know about you, the                      better-designed home can be for your needs and desires!

✓ Get Free Consulting

Express your creativity with a personalised design that’s                      just right for you. Talk to our team of experts!

Book Online

✓ Pay the advance amount to seal the deal

Once you are satisfied, pay 5% of the final quotation or ₹ 50,000 (Whichever higher) to book.

✓ Finalise project design

Along with our experts, finalise the materials, pattern and other project requirements.

Place the order

✓ Initiate the process with 50% payment

Verify the design, and your project is now off to a good start.

✓ Head start

Professional work begins on/for the site. Keep a tab on your project status via CRM.

✦ You're right on track. Your project order is raised! ✦

✦ You're right

on track.

Your project

order is

raised! ✦

Execution and completion

✓ Pay 100% at completion

Once 90% of the project gets completed, pay 100% of the project cost.

✓ Finishing

Nearing completion, the end-phase finishing takes place.

Execution and


✓ Pay 100% at completion

Once 90% of the project gets completed, pay 100% of the project cost.

✓ Finishing

Nearing completion, the end-phase finishing takes place.

☁ Nearing destination. Full payment is made!

☁ Nearing


Full payment

is made!

Signing off

With your 100% satisfaction, we bid farewell for now. Hoping to collaborate soon.


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