Factory Construction


06 January 2022

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Effective strategies for optimum factory construction


Designing a factory building should only happen after you have your production plan, plant layout, and equipment sequences already set. You need to think about all the different things that will affect the working of your plant before you build it.


Factors that you need to think about when building an industrial building:


Some of the things that need to be considered when building a factory are as follows:


 1. The essence of industrial building design

Different types of plants need different buildings. The factory design pattern depends upon the size of the plant, how much weight will be in it, and what machines they use.


 2. Layout


An industrial factory floor plan should be built so that the arrangement of machines, service centers, and offices has an influence on the design and construction. It’s important to think about how many people are going to work there first. You need space for them to work, but also space for any future needs too.


 3. Capacity


The size of a plant depends on how much space is needed for the flow and storage of materials, where the machines are going to be located, and where service centers will go.


The height of a roof depends on what machines will be used. If there are overhead conveyors or tall equipment then you need a high roof which might cost more money. If it’s possible, dig a hole for all your equipment so that everything has its own place.


 4. Material Handling


Ease of handling materials can reduce the time it takes to complete a project. This prevents bottlenecks and lowers costs for this type of equipment. There are many pieces of equipment that can make this easy, like cranes, conveyor belts, hoists, etc. If you want to use these pieces in your project, make sure the ceiling is at a desirable height so they don’t get in the way when they are being used.



The design of industrial building construction affects how good the material handling equipment is. If the building is not designed well, then material handling will not work well.


 5. Protection


Factory areas should be designed to protect plants from fire, theft, etc. A sprinkler system, fire escape exits, automatic alarms, outdoor hydrants, and safety lights are all possible protections.


 6. Lighting


Lighting in the plant can affect how tired or productive workers are. So when you are building the plant, make sure that you take lighting into account.


 7. Ventilation, Heating, and Air Conditioning


Large factories often have to build separate areas for high-pressure boilers. The size will depend on the heating requirements of the plant, but they must provide fresh air. Sometimes, there is a lot of ventilation needed in some kinds of manufacturing processes and controlled temperature and humidity are important too. Air conditioning is common in factories and offices because there are new trends that use less energy.


 8. Facilities


Facilities relating to cooling towers, emergency power, compressed air, and sewage treatment should also be considered as in-plant buildings. Waste disposal should not violate laws that regulate air and water pollution, etc.


 9. Accessibility


You need to make sure that the factory building is designed so that workers can move around.



10. Creative Examination


Workers should be able to work in a nice building. It’s important for them to feel comfortable and proud of their job. An ideal modern factory design should look good and have a pleasant atmosphere. This makes the workers happy and makes people in the community who see it proud too!


Such a plant also influences the morale of employees. It might show that your company is progressive and forward-thinking. Some managements have been paying attention to this thing these days.


 11. Appearance


The architectural style and building materials should be designed to give a good exterior for the plants. Landscaping and keeping things clean are important for the local community.


 12. Prospect Extension


You should think about what will happen if your factory needs to be expanded. This is because buildings can have more floors if they are planned in advance. The original building must have enough support so that the weight is not too much for it.


13. Fire Safety


You need to have a fire protection system installed in your factory building which is now mandatory. Fires will happen if people are smoking near the building or something else starts a fire. You can install a conventional fire extinguisher, automatic detectors, or other devices that protect from fires in industries.


 14. Environmental Consideration


The need to protect the environment should be considered when planning a plant layout. This is being talked about everywhere now. It is even the law in India. Protecting plants means making sure they are surrounded by the greenbelt, treating water and air, disposing of wastes properly, etc.


15. Effective disposal


For chemical processes like electroplating, tanneries, etc., effluent treatment of the discharged water has become mandatory. It is a rule that a factory building must have an effluent disposal system.


 16. Ventilation


To make the factory building work, designers need to make sure that there is enough air which is achievable by having compressors that can give you more air too.

17. Effective team


You should trust the building of your factory to well-known people who know how to build one. The design and layout of the factory depends on what other people recommend, like when different parties work together for technical collaboration.


 18. Cost


Construction is the most important aspect of a building. Better management planning and effective monitoring by use of modern managerial aids like PERT/Milestones can help to lower the cost of construction. Normally, construction costs go up due to delay in execution, changes in drawing, interruption of work during construction, and deletions from the original design.


 Poor planning and procurement of materials, the use of inferior quality materials, and lack of supervision are costly. A factory needs to plan carefully so they don’t waste money on unnecessary things.


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