Category Architect

14 Dec

How office glass can make your workplace both stylish and practical

    How office glass can make your workplace both stylish and practical     There’s no doubt that a well-designed workplace can increase productivity and help employees feel more comfortable and creative. However, many people think that having stylish furnishings means sacrificing practicality. In fact, interior glass can provide both style and function in […]

14 Dec

How to choose the right lobby design for your business

    How to choose the right lobby design for your business     If you’re running a business, one of the most important decisions you’ll have to make is what kind of lobby design to choose. Lobby designs can make or break your business, so it’s important to choose wisely. In this blog post, […]

14 Dec

5 factors influencing restaurant architecture

    5 factors influencing restaurant architecture     There’s more to restaurant design than just choosing a pretty wallpaper while there are five key factors that influence how your restaurant looks and feels.   From the layout to the lighting, each aspect of your design sends a message to your customers, so what should […]

14 Dec

The Power of Biophilic Design: How connecting with nature can improve our health and well-being

    The Power of Biophilic Design: How connecting with nature can improve our health and well-being   When we’re in the presence of natural beauty, it’s impossible not to feel happy and at peace while it maybe it’s the sunshine, the fresh air, or the sound of birds chirping. Whatever it is, studies have […]

14 Dec

5 easy steps to measuring square feet of a room

    5 easy steps to measuring square feet of a room     Whether you’re moving into a new place or just want to know the size of your space for some remodeling ideas, knowing how to measure the square footage of a room is essential while it’s actually a lot simpler than you […]

14 Dec

Setting up the ultimate modern study room design for college students

    Setting up the ultimate modern study room design for college students   Setting up a study room for college can seem like a daunting task and after all, you want to make sure that you have everything you need to get the most out of your studies.   However, don’t worry, we’re here […]

12 Dec

5 Unique Ways to Spruce Up Your Ceiling decoration

  5 Unique Ways to Spruce Up Your Ceiling decoration   You might be surprised to know that your ceiling is a lot more than just an empty white space, while it is true. It’s actually the framework for all of those things you take for granted, like fumes from cooking food and natural light […]

12 Dec

6 Ways to Design the Perfect Home Gym

    6 Ways to Design the Perfect Home Gym   It’s no secret that a lot of people these days are looking for ways to get fit without having to go to a gym. And it’s also no secret that many people fail in their attempts to get fit because they don’t have the […]

8 Jul

Unravel the Beauty of Scandinavian Architecture

Scandinavian design is a movement that emerged in the early 20th century which began in Scandinavia but soon became known around the world because of its focus on simplicity and functionality. It blended minimalism alongside creativity which offered solutions when simple living needs were considered.   The history of Scandinavian design is one that has […]

7 Jul

How Can Neuroarchitecture Help You Live a Better Life?

The discipline of Neuroarchitecture aims to create spaces that optimize health by studying the impact of the built environment has on both emotional and physical well-being. It does this through architecture, which includes designing buildings with an understanding of how they affect people’s emotions as well as their ability at work or home life mentally. […]



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